The Future of Sustainability Newsletter

Creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly business model is more than just a trend; it’s a necessary shift in how all companies operate in the 21st century! 

The commercial real estate industry is increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability in response to global trends, research, and regulations. Real estate and sustainability are intertwined in countless ways– it simply makes good business sense to familiarize yourself with the newest sustainability disclosures, trends, and hot topics.  

Once a month, get updates from the global sustainability sphere, including the newest sustainability standards, mandates, and other ESG-related news.  

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Stay up to date on regulatory changes

The built environment generates 40% of annual global CO2 emissions (IEA) and of those total emissions building operations are responsible for 27% annually. As a major component of the built environment, the real estate sector is constantly subjected to new climate policies and regulations to decrease their emissions. From local standards like Building Performance Standards to broader regulations, each of these laws must be noted to remain compliant. In this newsletter, we’ll help summarize relevant regulatory changes and cover the key takeaways, so you don’t have to! 

The Future of Sustainability Newsletter
The Future of Sustainability Newsletter

About Tango

Tango is the leader in Store Lifecycle Management and Integrated Workplace Management System software, delivering a single solution spanning real estate, design & construction, lease administration & accounting, facilities, energy and sustainability management, desk booking, visitor and space management. 

With Tango Energy & Sustainability, we work with customers across various verticals to help them track all energy, water, waste, and emissions data to meet their sustainability goals and comply with regulations.